Psychological preparation

The process for becoming a firefighter is not only physically but also mentally challenging. Fire Rescue Victoria encourages applicants to consider their psychological wellbeing during this time.

At Fire Rescue Victoria, we use the SEEDS model as a holistic wellbeing checklist.

  • Social connection: Feeling connected and supported is a basic human need and a protective factor during stressful times.
  • Exercise: Caring for your physical health enables you to simultaneously protect your mental health.
  • Education: Achieving a sense of mastery and maintaining a growth mindset will enable you to flourish during stressful times.
  • Diet: Your diet and your gut health have significant influence on both your physical and psychological wellbeing.
  • Sleep: Your mind and your body require sufficient rest to recover and restore, especially during stressful times.

It is expected that you will experience varying levels of stress as you go through the recruitment process. Below are some goal focused stress management tips which may assist you during this time.

  1. Set SMART goals:
    SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound. A SMART goal can be a very powerful tool in setting manageable expectations for yourself.
  2. Visualise: Once you have your SMART goal, visualise the process and all possible outcomes. When you’ve been through all possible scenarios in your mind multiple times, your mind and body will be prepared to tackle the challenges as they arise.
  3. Be mindful of your self talk:
    One of the most powerful tools of goal achievement is the way you speak to yourself and relate to yourself. Be mindful of critical self-talk. Be your own best mate, and your number one cheerleader.
  4. Be mindful of your breathing:
    Mindfully managing your breathing will assist you with managing wellbeing during stressful situation. A simple technique is tactical breathing, which involves slowing your breathing rate down by breathing through the nostrils, and counting to four on each inhale and exhale.