Recruitment process

Written selection test

The Written Selection Test (WST) is designed to assess your suitability to undertake the academic content of the recruit firefighter course, in addition to your ability to deal with the subsequent demands of the job. 

The tests comprise of a number of elements including verbal reasoning, numerical calculations, abstract reasoning and mechanical comprehension, which measure general abilities such as problem solving, critical thinking, deduction and logical reasoning.

The WST was developed and is administered by Pearson VUE.  The cost to undertake the WST is $176.00 (including GST).

Payment is not required when completing the online application, however, once applications have closed, you will be contacted via email to register for the WST and make payment to Pearson VUE.

The application fee is paid directly to the WST administrator. FRV does not receive any of this fee/payment.

Candidates who hold a current Centrelink healthcare card will not be required to pay for the WST. This exemption may be reviewed prior to the commencement of future recruitment campaigns.

The computer based WST is in multiple-choice format, and comprises the following core subjects:

  • Abstract reasoning - measures your ability to identify and complete sequences and patterns
  • Numerical calculations - measures your ability in addition, subtraction, division, percentages, algebra and multiplication
  • Verbal reasoning - measures how well you understand and interpret written passages
  • Mechanical comprehension - measures your ability to understand basic functioning of mechanical devices

To be selected to progress to the next stage of the selection process, candidates must achieve a pass at the WST and only the highest-ranking candidates will progress to the Group Assessment stage of the selection process.

Following successful completion of the WST, only eligible applicants will be contacted to provide the following:

  • An electronic copy of your current resume with your full work history
  • A scanned copy of current driver's licence


The following information is provided to assist in preparing for the above subjects and should be used as a guide only.

Exam technique

As all of the subjects are timed, it is important to allocate sufficient time to each question to ensure that the maximum number of questions are answered.

The skills assessed by the WSTs are learned over time through different types of experiences; the best preparation is to read widely and think critically. Please note, the use of a calculator is not permitted.

In addition, there are a number of websites and books relating to career selection tests, which provide practice items and hints on how to better prepare and improve your exam technique.

Practice material can help candidates become more familiar with the multiple-choice format of the questions on the WSTs.

Practice material below:

Important information regarding the WST

Pearson VUE is contracted to facilitate the WST stage of the FRV recruit firefighter selection process.